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Update Options In Select Dynamically

I have constructed a dynamic select using jQuery like below: Based on YesOrNo, I have to show/hide options in Source and Type Yes/No Source Type ------------

Solution 1:

You can call $("...").change() after the page is loaded:


See my fiddle:

I also hid the options when nothing is selected, calling $("...").hide() in the "onchange" event handler.

The $(func) with func as an anonymous function is a syntatic suggar for $(document).ready(func), which calls that given function after loading.

The "change" call is just a trigger call, like $("...").trigger("change").

Solution 2:

You can use trigger to manually invoke the handler on page load.... still your solution will not work in IE... see further changes below

var sourceHtml = $('#Source').html();
var typeHtml = $('#Type').html();
$('#YesOrNo').on('change', function () {
    var sources = $(sourceHtml);
    var types = $(typeHtml);
    var aob = $(this).find('option:selected').data('aob');

        sources = sources.filter('[data-aob="' + aob + '"]');
        types = types.filter('[data-aob="' + aob + '"]');

Demo: Fiddle

Solution 3:

You can simply do this by triggeringchange event on load.

just add below code inside document.ready


and for test it add selected="selected" for No option and run the code.

See Demo

Solution 4:

If your code logic allows this trigger a change event once.

//Triggering a change event on document ready


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