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How To Display The Next Three Images Click On Load More Button

I need a load more button to display the image. On page load, I am displaying 3 images and after click on load more button, then next 3 images will display on the screen. I tried b

Solution 1:

Your css was wrong. Use:

.lightgallery1a {
  display: none;

Your code shows 2 images. If you want to show 3 change .slice(0, 2) to .slice(0, 3)

$(function() {
  $(".item").slice(0, 2).show(); // select the first ten
  $("#load").click(function(e) { // click event for load more
    $(".item:hidden").slice(0, 2).show(); // select next 10 hidden divs and show themif ($(".item:hidden").length == 0) { // check if any hidden divs still existalert("No more divs"); // alert if there are none left
.lightgallery1a {
  padding: 0px20px20px0;
  display: none;

.lightgallery1aimg {
  width: 33%;
<divclass="lightgallery1"><ahref=""><imgsrc=""></a><ahref=""><imgsrc=""></a><ahref=""class="item"><imgsrc=""></a><ahref=""class="item"><imgsrc=""></a><ahref=""class="item"><imgsrc=""></a><ahref=""class="item"><imgsrc=""></a><ahref=""class="item"><imgsrc=""></a><ahref=""class="item"><imgsrc=""></a><ahref=""class="item"><imgsrc=""></a><ahref=""class="item"><imgsrc=""></a><ahref=""class="item"><imgsrc=""></a></div><div><ahref="#"id="load">Load More</a></div><scriptsrc=""></script>

Solution 2:

Try this approach:

var links = [

var $gallery  = $(".lightgallery1").first();
var $loadMore = $("#load");

functionloadMore(e) {
  for(var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    if(links.length) {

      var src   = links.pop();
      var $link = $("<a>");
      var $img  = $("<img>");

      $img.attr("src", src);
      $link.attr("href", src).addClass("item");

    } else {

$loadMore.on("click", loadMore);
.lightgallery1a {
  width: 30.33%;
  margin: auto;
  display: inline-block;
  padding: 0px20px20px0;

.lightgallery1aimg {
  width: 100%;

a {
 /* display: none; */
<scriptsrc=""></script><divclass="lightgallery1"></div><buttonid="load">Load More</button>

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