Images Not Rendering In Html On Django Runserver, But Html Works In Browser
Building a site with Django and my index.html page is not rendering images properly. The image loads up fine when I open the HTML file in the browser, but when I do python manage.p
Solution 1:
Django needs to know the location of the static content to server them. Do the following:
- Set the path for settings/STATIC_DIR to the place where you are storing your images
- Provide a STATIC_URL which would appear to client
- Pass the context_instance from your view code to the template
- Use the url in the template {{STATIC_URL}}path_to_your_image_from_static_dir
Solution 2:
Solution 3:
Because your image source should be a URL not a file path.
You need to upload the image to the webserver and link to it's URL, like
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