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Vanilla Custom Element Repeater For

I'm currently trying to implement a repeater WebComponent to allow the company to easily create front-end without depending on any framework (decision took by architecture). Here'

Solution 1:

Solution 1

Put the repeater around your elements. Ex. for a minimal <data-repeater> custom element :

customElements.define('data-repeater', classextendsHTMLElement 
    const parent = this.firstElementChildconst data = JSON.parse(this.dataset.values)

    constinterpolate = obj => parent.innerHTML.replace(
      (match, key) => obj[key]

    parent.innerHTML ='')
<data-repeaterdata-values='[{"label": "Item 1", "id":1}, {"label": "Item 2", "id": 2}]'><ul><liid="${id}">${label}</li></ul></data-repeater><data-repeaterdata-values='[{"name": "option 1", "value":1}, {"name": "option 2", "value": 2}]'><select><optionvalue="${value}">${name}</option></select></data-repeater>

Solution 2

Use customized built-in elements. You need to choose a new name for each standard element you want to extend, but you can reuse internally a unique base class to render the elements:

<select is="repeat-option" data-values="[...]">
   <option value="${value}">${name}</option>

customElements.define('select-repeater', classextendsHTMLSelectElement {
  connectedCallback() { render(this) }
}, { extends: 'select' })

customElements.define('ul-repeater', classextendsHTMLUListElement {
  connectedCallback() { render(this) }
}, { extends: 'ul' })

functionrender(view) {
  const data = JSON.parse(view.dataset.values)

  constinterpolate = obj => view.innerHTML.replace(
    (match, key) => obj[key]

  view.innerHTML ='')
<scriptsrc=""></script><ulis="ul-repeater"data-values='[{"label": "Item 1", "id":1}, {"label": "Item 2", "id": 2}]'><liid="${id}">${label}</li></ul><selectis="select-repeater"data-values='[{"name": "option 1", "value":1}, {"name": "option 2", "value": 2}]'><optionvalue="${value}">${name}</option></select>

If the rendering is very different depending on the element you could decide to create a class for rendering and to use derived classes for each type fo rendering ( select, ul, tr, td ), like in this example for tables.

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