Set Input Value From Current Input Textfield On Change Event
I have a table with two input boxes. A and B. I enter something into input A (and also B) and I want it's value to automatically be set to whatever I type into it on change event
Solution 1:
If you want to keep the two input elements in sync on every keystroke you should use jQuery´s .keyup()
and .change()
(for copy and paste) method.
$("#A1").change(function() {
$("#B1").change(function() {
$("#A1").keyup(function() {
$("#B1").keyup(function() {
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Solution 2:
Try this:
$("#B1").bind("change keyup", function(){
$("#B2").bind("change keyup", function(){
This way it will pick up each character and will also get copy-and-paste text using the mouse.
Solution 3:
you can try something like this
same for the other input
Solution 4:
Change event for input[type=text] do not work as you would expect them to. It basically checks for the changed value of focus out and then fire the event.
I would recommend using keyup event to copy the value accross. it will be as simple as:
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