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Handling Integers As Strings In Thymeleaf Arrays And Lists

Why do the following Thymeleaf th:if tests fail for the strings '0', '1', and '9'? I have a Java array as follows: String[] arrayData = {'x', '-1', '0', '1', '9', '10', '11'}; The

Solution 1:

I suspect that if you aren't using Spring, Thymeleaf expressions are being interpreted using OGNL insteald of SPeL -- which appears to treat single character constants as type char instead of type String and so the #arrays.contains expressions fail to match.

I don't have a setup to test OGNL, but according to this post, this should work:

<div th:text="${#arrays.contains(arrayData, &quot;0&quot;)}" />

(Or maybe #arrays.contains(arrayData, '' + '0') would work?)

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