Google ReCAPTCHA - Keep Getting `incorrect-captcha-sol`
Solution 1:
I have solved this, it is one of the most unusual things I have come across, my syntax was previously:
I changed it to this:
Because of this switch, suddenly the recaptcha_response_field
and recaptcha_challenge_field
are posting values back to the form.
I cannot think why this because all MY form variables got posted back before the switch.
Thanks all for the pointers.
Solution 2:
Are You doing this from Your Localhost?
I solve this problem by adding localhost
to the allowed domain for doing a verification in google reCaptcha settings
Solution 3:
if you are posting the check twice - eg once from javascript and once via php the second one will fail as the API only allows a solution to return valid once.
Hope that helps, Josh
Solution 4:
That's because the form cannot be on the outside of the has to be on the outisde of table.....form cannot be inserted into table, it can be inserted into the td though.
Solution 5:
In my case, the error was to set the form without specifying:
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